
Monday 27 March 2017

MarTech beta rates expire this week – reserve your seat now

Prices increase Saturday!

Attend MarTech San Francisco May 9-11 for 70+ presentations, 100+ speakers100+ exhibitors and sponsors and networking with 2,500 martech professionals. My hand-crafted agenda is a master class in marketing, technology and management topics. You’ll be joining attendees and speakers from top brands including:
Rates increase Saturday
These incredibly low rates are available for only a few more days! Register today for an All Access Pass and pay only $1,645 — that’s $250 in savings compared to on-site rates. You’ll get exceptional content, speakers, limitless vendor solutions, networking and top-notch amenities.
P.S. Rates increase in just a few days. Don’t miss your opportunity to save big and attend MarTech. Register today!

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

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Saturday 25 March 2017

How to Use Network Data to Turn Bad Inputs into Gold

Live Webinar: Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PST)

If you think network data means gathering business cards at lunch, you’re in for a surprise. Today’s network data comes from data owners sharing their information to give everyone access to better data than Sany brand can assemble on its own.
Join data experts David M. Raab and John Hurley as they describe how Radius and its clients built a network of B2B business and contact information, and how you can create a new data source with unprecedented freshness, accuracy, and coverage.
Attend this webinar and learn:
  • how network data creates better information at lower cost.
  • why data networks yield better results as they grow.
  • ways that network data can improve your own sales and marketing programs.
  • how to measure your current data quality and improvements you can make.
Register today for “How to Use Network Data to Turn Bad Inputs into Gold,” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Radius.

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Friday 24 March 2017

How much is a happy customer worth?

[Reminder] Live Webinar: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PST)

In today’s highly analytical marketing world, is it really possible to place a value on customer happiness? Well, yes. And that’s just what we’re going to cover in our upcoming webinar, “The Value of a Happy Customer: Action steps to a great customer experience.”
We’ll hear from customer experience expert Christine Crandell, who will explain why – and how – brands must focus on building positive customer experiences at every digital touchpoint.
Katy Keim of Lithium will then share the results of a new Harris Poll, that quantifies the value of a positive customer experience. In today’s sharing economy, where customers can instantly amplify their experiences, savvy marketers know how – and where – to connect with and build a loyal customer base.
Join us to learn how to build and maintain loyal, happy customers – and deliver positive results to your bottom line.
Register today for “The Value of a Happy Customer: Action steps to a great customer experience,” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Lithium.

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Thursday 23 March 2017

Are technical and content audits still relevant?

SEO audits are very useful in identifying website issues and areas for improvement, but columnist David Freeman believes the way we approach these audits is outdated.

Technical and content audits have been the backbone of SEO for many years, and while they play a valuable role, their scope has expanded as search has evolved. Audits now cover much more than purely technical factors such as indexation, status codes and broken links. To stay relevant, audits have broadened to include aspects such as site navigation, content engagement, content gap analysis and conversion factors.
For global and national brands, generic audits aren’t going to drive the change in performance that they are striving for, even if there are fundamental flaws with a website. Yes, these audits will certainly help — especially if, for example, there are indexation issues — but until we understand the consumer, their purchase journey and the barriers at each stage, we don’t know what we are trying to fix, or why.
Site audits which focus on resolving the barriers consumers face will help determine where the biggest opportunities exist. We can then prioritize and shape our efforts to meet the needs of the consumer and drive the largest return for our clients.
Adopting a consumer-first strategy does exactly this by ensuring campaigns have layers of hygiene optimization and insight-fueled strategic consultancy focused on identifying game-changing opportunities within the consumer search experience and conversion journey.

Hygiene optimization: the home of technical and content audits

Hygiene optimization forms the foundation for success and is where ongoing audits should sit. This activity is focused on getting the technical and content aspects of a site as well optimized as feasibly possible.
Hygiene optimization is about striving for continuous improvement by always looking to extract further performance. This approach is akin to the concept of the “aggregation of marginal gains,” which is summed up with the following quote from Jim Rohn:
Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.
The idea is that small improvements made consistently over time will eventually add up to produce significant improvement in the long run.
The concept of marginal gains acts as the perfect reminder that a site is never fully optimized. The hygiene optimization layer provides the environment where we can continually look to make small, incremental improvements through technical audits and insight-driven content optimization. For instance:
  • Increase CTR by using paid search insight.
  • Improve site information architecture to better surface information and improve the conversion journey.
  • Ensure all relevant pages are indexed and returning the correct status codes.
In this model, audits are an essential part of campaigns, aiding prioritization and actively looking to extract every ounce of organic search performance. This approach moves us ever farther away from audits being conducted as large one-off or periodic items and toward a process of continual auditing.

Strategic consultancy: the home of insight

This is the layer that can really move the dial in terms of performance. By developing a deep understanding of the consumer and how they interact with brands, a picture of their informational needs and requirements at each stage of the purchase journey can be built. Only now can we truly understand what opportunities a brand has across their owned assets to capture, engage and convert consumers. For instance:
  • Missing top-of-funnel or product content that prevents consumers discovering them.
  • Website experience causing a sizeable drop-off in the path to purchase.
  • Navigation not surfacing essential content to consumers once they land on site.
  • Site structure not optimal based on user experience (UX) and SEO best practices.
Having utilized this insight to identify the strategic opportunities, we know where to focus our efforts. We can now undertake an audit or piece of analysis with the goal of answering a specific question.
Based on the insight returned by this highly targeted analysis, a consumer-focused solution can be designed by combining SEO, UX, content and paid media expertise. This holistic approach ensures that the solution performs not only in organic search but across channels, and assists the consumer in their purchase journey.
Once a strategic change has been launched, it flows into the hygiene optimization process to ensure the maximum return is realized over the long term.

In summary

Audits and associated skill sets remain as important as ever, but their role has changed. One-off or periodic audits should be confined to the past, as they don’t provide any performance longevity. Within the hygiene layer, audits become an essential part of day-to-day activity. They remain vital in driving small, incremental performance gains that, over the long term, can add up to significant gains. Additionally, these audits are essential to identify the more critical indexation issues, as well as catching small issues early, before they spiral into something much larger.
Consumer insight and strategy are now the two biggest factors that can influence performance, and their importance will only increase over the coming years. Given this, focus needs to switch to this bigger picture activity that enables brands to achieve their full potential. It is within this strategic consultancy layer where the audit and analysis skill sets can be maximized by pivoting their application to provide the answer to a specific question, challenge or problem that has been identified through consumer insight.

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

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Monday 20 March 2017

What is customer marketing?

Maybe it’s time to rethink your approach...

B2B marketers are focusing more and more on making sure their customers are successful after they’ve signed the contract and started using your product or service.
This renewed attention helps in a couple of ways. First, successful customers are happy customers, and they are more likely to renew with you. The second reason is that successful, happy customers are also great advocates for your brand.
“Your best salespeople aren’t on your payroll,” said Jill Rowley, speaker, startup advisor and social selling evangelist, on the Rethink Podcast. “They’re your customers who are willing to advocate for your brand, your company, your solution, your people.”
It’s where the worlds of customer marketing and customer success collide. At Act-On, we see this falling in the Expand (retention) phase of marketing, joining Brand (awareness) and Demand (acquisition). All three phases are important, and they feed into the success of the others.
As a view into how some people think of marketing, Act-On is releasing a series of videos styled in the “Big Short” style, using metaphors to humorously explain BrandDemand and Expand and how marketing automation can help marketers adapt to the ever-changing buyer’s journey.
In the Expand video, we discuss the importance of customer marketing, or what the video describes as sustainable marketing … dude.
In recent years, there has been a shift in B2B marketing from looking at customer marketing as an activity to leverage customers to supporting lead generation activity through case studies, reference calls and so forth. And while that is necessary, today’s modern marketer is recognizing the importance of ensuring their customers’ success so that they are more likely to renew with you, more likely to speak at your event and more likely to tell their peers about you.
“A lot of companies still see customer marketing as supplying references to the sales team when they need it; for getting customers to be quoted in a press release; for getting customers to get up on stage at your annual conference; or to speak to an analyst,” said Stephen Schleifer, Act-On’s senior director of customer marketing.
“That is just the tip of the iceberg with customer marketing. There is a lot of untapped potential most organizations are not realizing by being able to engage with their customer base way beyond those kind[s] of very lead gen and pre-sales types of activities, including online communities, customer advisory boards, advocacy programs, product adoption, upsell campaigns and events.”
Research from Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company, inventor of the net promoter score, which was published in the Harvard Business Review, has found that acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than keeping a current customer. And increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases profits by 25 percent to 95 percent.
“I love this quote from the Forrester Research in the B2B Loyalty the B2C Way report,” said Schleifer. “They say, ‘It’s time to expand the focus of B2B engagement to the entire customer relationship, including loyalty and retention, which are not traditional priorities for B2B marketers.’”
And in this world of tweets and Facebook live streams, it’s critical to recognize the importance of your customers as ambassadors for your brand when they are talking with their peers.
“Being able to get customers to validate a lot more of what you’re doing is very, very important,” Schleifer said. “You’re really kind of approaching it from we’re successful as a company because we’ve been able to help our customers be successful. The more successful they are using the platform, the more it’s able to deliver on their business objectives, then the stickier it becomes to them as a must-need business tool, and the more they’re going to say, ‘Hey, I’m realizing value and this technology platform is a big part of that.’”
By using a marketing automation workspace like Act-On, marketers are able to grow their customer relationships after the sell in a number of ways, from automating the customer onboarding process through nurture emails to sending emails about product adoption, new features or training opportunities. You can score and measure their engagement with you, whether they are attending a training webinar, opening your nurture emails or sharing your social posts.
By leveraging your marketing automation, CRM and ERP data, you can also better understand when a customer is ready for an upsell or cross-sell. You can use your marketing automation to deploy surveys to gauge their satisfaction and get feedback on your products. From here, you can identify prospective brand advocates.
“There are lot of ways we’re focused on making sure we are engaging with the customer after that contract has been signed, but before that renewal process starts. We’re working on targeting communications and programs based upon where a customer is at in their product use and adoption lifecycle — it’s a highly personalized approach. We want to make sure customers are continuing to adopt, use, and see value,” Schleifer said. “We want our customers to get the most value out of their investment that they can.”

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Thursday 16 March 2017

How to use live chat to increase conversion

Paid advertising is getting more competitive, increasing the average cost per acquisition. Moreover, a significant percentage of website visitors leave without taking any action due to lack of engagement or too much friction in the buying process.
Improving conversion means reducing the bounce rate, and a well-designed live chat invitation can differentiate an online advertiser from the competition.
This white paper from ApexChat describes how live chat can increase engagement and minimize friction in the buying process. It covers:
  • how live chat can improve customer experience and conversions.
  • how companies can utilize live chat effectively without major changes to day-to-day operations.
  • live chat best practices, and more.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download your copy.
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Report: Google earns 78% of $36.7B US search ad revenues, soon to be 80%

Amazon and Yelp expected to see biggest search revenue growth rates in US.

Google’s domination of the US search ad market isn’t letting up. Thanks to mobile in particular, Google will take 77.8 percent of US search ad revenues this year. By next year, for every dollar spent on search advertising in the US, an even eight dimes will go to Google. The remaining 20 cents will be split up among Microsoft, Yahoo, Yelp, Amazon, Ask and AOL, according to eMarketer’s latest report on the US digital ad market.
“Google’s dominance in search, especially mobile search, is largely coming from the growing tendency of consumers to turn to their smartphones to look up everything from the details of a product to directions,” said eMarketer forecasting analyst Monica Peart. “Google and mobile search as a whole will continue to benefit from this behavioral shift.”
Overall, search spending in the US is expected to increase 24 percent over the next three years, from $36.69 billion in 2017 to $45.63 billion in 2019.
Microsoft’s US search ad revenues are expected to grow from $2.79 billion this year to $3.02 billion in 2019, though its market share is expected to dip from 7.6 percent this year to 6.6 percent in 2019.
Yelp and Amazon are both expected to see the strongest growth rates in search ad revenues in the US over the coming years. Yelp’s local search app could crack $1 billion in search ad revenues in 2019, up from $730 million this year, though its market share is expected to slip from 6.9 percent to 5.8 percent in 2019. Product searches on Amazon could drive search advertising on the e-commerce channel up from $370 million this year to $600 million in 2019 and see modest market share gains from 1.9 percent last year to 2.2 percent in 2019. Aside from Google, Amazon was the only company that gained market share between 2016 and 2017.
Verizon’s AOL and IAC’s Ask will likely see search revenues stay flat, while Yahoo will rebound from 2016 with slim 1 to 2 percent growth through 2019.
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Wednesday 15 March 2017

Marketing in a ‘Post-Digital’ World: New rules for connecting with today’s customer

Live Webinar: Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PST)

Today’s customer operates in a ‘post-digital’ world, where the boundaries between physical and digital have disappeared. Empowered customers demand more from brand relationships, and expect an experience that is personal, relevant, and technologically seamless at every touchpoint.
To stay on top in this fiercely competitive world your marketing organization needs to be constantly chasing and adapting to the new technology your customers use every day. Are you running fast enough to stay in front of customer demands and competitor moves? The fix is not always new processes or technology, but a new marketing worldview that reaches customers with the right message at the right moment.
Join guest speaker, Forrester VP, Principal Analyst Shar VanBoskirk who will present findings from recent research on how marketing strategies are shifting to win, serve, and retain customers in this ‘post-digital’ era.
Register today for “Marketing in a ‘Post-Digital’ World: New rules for connecting with today’s customer” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by [24]7.
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How 7 leading brands are winning at paid search

See how Predictive Search Bidding outperforms traditional bid methods in every head-to-head test across multiple industries.

Whether your goal is to maximize revenue generated with existing budgets, boost profitability, reduce costs or grow revenue within targets, using seven real-life examples, this white paper from [24]7 can help you get there. This white paper covers:
  • how Predictive Search Bidding gives you the power to optimize every bid, maximize ROI and reduce costs.
  • how to use Predictive Search Bidding to meet a variety of specific financial goals depending on revenue targets and budget constraints.
  • real examples of how seven leading brands reach a variety of target metrics, all with impressive results.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “How Leading Brands Win at Paid Search.”

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Tuesday 14 March 2017

SMX West is just days away. Reserve your seat now!

Join us for cutting-edge SEO and SEM tactics, search marketing solutions, and networking

We’re one week away from the 10th edition of SMX West – the premier search marketing conference on the West Coast! Don’t miss your chance March 21-23 in San Jose to get actionable SEO and SEM tactics that will drive your campaign’s success. It’s not too late to secure the best pre-conference rates!
Become a better search marketing professional. Attend SMX West for:
  • Tactics you can use immediately: 60+ sessions covering proven tactics in search advertising, SEO, mobile, social, analytics, and more. Check out the agenda.
  • Career-defining networking: Connect with new and old friends to share what’s working and what’s changing in the world of search marketing. You’ll get facetime with experts at multiple events including: SMX Meet and Greet, “Obsessed with…” lunch tables, Expo Hall Reception, Janes of Digital, Google Dance Networking, and more. Get all the details here.
  • Proven insights from the pros: Learn practical tips and best practices from experts who are in the trenches, tackling the daily challenges you face in SEO and SEM. See who’s speaking.
  • Solutions and demos: Discover new solutions to improve your business at the Expo Hall. You’ll have access to over 30 solution providers, including Google, Bing, Bruce Clay, and more. See the Expo Hall lineup.

Select the pass option that fits your needs

One size doesn’t always fit all. Choose from multiple options to customize your SMX experience:
  • Get it all with an All Access Pass: You’ll get access to all conference sessions, networking events, expo hall, hot meals, WiFi, and more! One day passes are also available. Register now.
  • No budget… no problem: The Expo+ Pass provides unlimited access to solution providers in the Expo Hall, full days of programming from Bing (March 21) and Google (March 22), and more than 20 presentations in the SMX Theater.
Hurry, SMX West is almost here – register today!
P.S. We asked Search Engine Land’s Founding Editor Danny Sullivan to record this quick video message for you!

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Thursday 9 March 2017

Optimizing for Mobile Search: A checklist to improve local SEO

Join Greg Sterling for this live webinar on March 23, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PT)

Mobile devices now account for nearly 60 percent of all searches. Are your local sites and landing pages in the best position to show up in the SERPs and engage mobile consumers?
Join us for an in-depth look at how to optimize your location-based marketing strategy for the mobile consumer. We’ll provide a checklist of the many elements that go into an effective local approach, as well as practical advice for improving SEO for local pages. You’ll learn:
  • syndication strategies to improve voice search share.
  • why it’s important to integrate user-generated content with local listings.
  • how to customize store locators and landing pages for mobile users.
Register today for “Optimizing for Mobile Search: A checklist to improve local SEO,” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Brandify.

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Big changes are coming to local marketing, are you ready for them?

Don't wait for the future to happen to your business.

If you manage marketing or search for a multi-location brand, you already know the game-changing potential of local search. But just when you think you’ve got everything figured out, the rules change.
The local marketing industry has been over-focused on listings management, and today it’s primed for a rapid evolution. In 2017, local search will be about generating ROI from your efforts by getting more customers to your locations.
In this white paper, SweetIQ outlines 5 strategies you can apply to local marketing right now and bring the future to all your locations.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “The Future of Local Marketing is Now: 5 Ways Local Marketing Will Impact The Way You Do Business This Year.”

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