
Tuesday 28 February 2017

Intro to Agile Marketing: Work faster and smarter by changing how you work

Live Webinar: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PST)

Are you struggling to keep pace with rapidly changing customer needs and market demands? Are you slowed down by organizational silos, hierarchies and processes?
It may be time to get agile. More than 90 percent of marketers who have adopted agile marketing say it has improved their speed to market for ideas, products and campaigns.
Join agile marketing expert Andrea Fryrear, and Workfront Creative Director David Lesué, as they explore what it means to be an agile marketer and provide practical tips on how your organization can make the transition.
Register today for “Intro to Agile Marketing: Work faster and smarter by changing how you work,” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Workfront.
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Bing UK now displaying National Health Service data for GP & hospital search queries

Searching for nearby GPs and hospitals on Bing UK will surface information pulled from the country's publicly-funded national healthcare system.

According to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), the publicly funded national healthcare system has been working with Bing UK during the last year to improve search results for general practitioner and hospital queries.
“Over the last year, we have collaborated with our friends at Bing to provide users with a comprehensive GP and hospital search experience,” reports a recent post on the NHS Choices blog.
The NHS says that queries for “GP in [location]” on Bing UK will now surface a list of local options with information on specific locations, open times and user reviews — all data that has been pulled from the NHS

Clicking on a result will display more information for the GP’s office.
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Monday 27 February 2017

Need to get with Google My Business support? Use Twitter!

While phone support may no longer be accessible if you need help with Google My Business, columnist Greg Gifford notes that social media support is available (and good!).

It’s the end of the month, and that means it’s time for another edition of Greg’s Soapbox! Except this time, it’s not so much me standing on the soapbox and ranting; I’m more standing near it and politely providing helpful advice.
Almost two years ago, I wrote a post here about using Google phone support if you had issues with Google My Business (yes, I’m not linking to the post on purpose). Depending on your particular keyword phrase when you search, that post usually ranks anywhere from #2 to #5 for any variation of “Google My Business support” — and it’s always the highest-ranking non-Google result.
The problem is, while phone support supposedly still exists, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get to anymore. And, since it’s the highest ranking non-Google answer, a ton of messages come through every month from people who are pointing out that the method in the post doesn’t work anymore.
I wanted to write this month’s post and update everyone on the best way to get support for any problems you might be having with your Google My Business listing.
We all know that Google My Business can be frustrating. All too often, the person with access leaves a company and doesn’t share that access. It’s incredibly difficult to get access to an account once it’s lost.
You might need to update your address, or phone number, or uploaded photos. You’ll definitely need to reply to reviews. Without easily accessible phone support, it doesn’t appear that there are any alternative options.
In reality, there’s a much better support option that most people don’t know about: Twitter support! Simply shoot a quick tweet over to @GoogleMyBiz, and their support team will jump on your request and help you out.
When the service first rolled out, responses were incredibly quick. Now that more people know about it, you might have to wait up to 30 minutes for a response, but once you get a response, they’re amazingly fast at resolving your situation. They’ll ask you to send a Direct Message with full details of your situation, and in almost every situation, the issue will be resolved shortly thereafter.
Big shoutout to Jared, who’s an absolute beast. I know there are other people on the team, but somehow he’s been the one to help with every request I’ve made in the last six months or so.
It’s all US-based, Google employee-staffed support. They won’t follow any sort of script; they’ll simply ask for more details, then they’ll jump in and get you sorted out. If you haven’t used it yet, you need to try it — it’s amazing.

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
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Ida Lewis Google Doodle marks 175th birthday of ‘America’s Bravest Woman’

As Rhode Island's most famous lighthouse keeper, Lewis saved a number of lives from drowning, including the two soldiers that inspired the doodle.

Today’s Google doodle marks the 175th birthday of Ida Lewis, a lighthouse keeper once hailed as “America’s Bravest Woman” for the numerous lives she saved from drowning.
As the owner of the Lime Rock Lighthouse in Rhode Island, Google says Idawalley Zorada Lewis made her first save at the age of 12 and continued braving into the Newport harbor’s dangerous, cold waters to save drowning men and women all the way into her sixties.
From the Google Doodle Blog:
A lighthouse keeper required unwavering courage, sheer physical strength, constant diligence, and a willingness to put one’s own life on the line. Ida was so dedicated that supposedly she would rush into inclement weather without shoes or coat so as not a waste a single second. Her life and legacy were not only an honor to research and illustrate, but truly a source of inspiration.
Today’s doodle was inspired by an event that resulted in Lewis being awarded a Gold Lifesaving Medal from President Grant when she saved two soldiers who had fallen through ice in February of 1881. While many of the lives Lewis saved went unrecorded, Google says that day’s events were covered in local newspapers and, at least, one national publication.
Designed by doodler Lydia Nichols, the doodle is a slide show made up of the following ten images highlighting Lewis’ actions and the accolades she received:
The doodle leads to a search for “Ida Lewis” and is being displayed on Google’s U.S. homepage and on a handful of other International homepages.
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Saturday 25 February 2017

Search in Pics: Google cigar box guitar, branded airplane head covers & a skateboard

In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more.

Google Cloud umbrella:
Google building blocks:
Google skateboard wall art:
Google branded airplane seat head covers:
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Friday 24 February 2017

The 5 Pillars of Marketing Automation Success

Are you setting your clients up for marketing automation success?

Learn how agencies can use marketing automation to establish a strong foundation for their clients. By taking just a few easy steps, you can ensure they’ll get the most out of the platform from day one.
In this white paper from Sharp Spring, you will learn:
  • how to help your clients identify and acquire qualified leads every day.
  • best practices for nurturing and communicating with leads.
  • tips for educating your clients’ sales reps on marketing automation.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download this white paper.
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Four US presidents in the KKK? Google’s latest problem with featured answers

In a featured snippet, Google lists four US presidents as Klan members, even though there's no conclusive evidence any were.

If you’re trying to research US presidents who may have been Ku Klux Klan members — don’t believe everything you see on Google. While there appears to be no conclusive evidence any actually were Klan members, Google lists four.
A Google search for “presidents in the klan” returns a featured answer listing four specific US presidents. Technically called a “featured snippet,” this is where Google has so much confidence that the facts from a website are absolutely correct, it elevates the website’s content by displaying it in a special box above all other listings:
The site providing this answer actually took the content from another site that, in turn, appears to be using an article posted in various places across the web, making it difficult to know who, or what site, originally published the content.
Wikipedia — which isn’t perfect but is under constant review by editors — dismisses the charges against presidents Warren G. Harding and Harry S. Truman. The other two, Woodrow Wilson and William McKinley  aren’t discussed.
The failed direct answer came to our attention via Peter Shulman, a professor at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, who tweeted about it after a student cited Google as a reference:
A related search for “presidents in the kkk” gives the same featured answer. A search for “presidents in the ku klux klan” also serves up a featured snippet, but with a slightly different list of US presidents pulled from a different source.
This isn’t the first time one of Google’s featured snippets led users astray. Three years ago, Google claimed Barack Obama was the King of the United States. In June of 2015, a featured snippet pointed users to a religious website for queries asking, “what happened to the dinosaurs.”
Last year, Google gave a one-sided answer to a political question, and elevated an answer for “are women evil” — which resulted in this embarrassment happening on Google Home:
While, technically, this is a different issue than Google’s fight to combat fake news, an argument can be made that Google’s failed featured answers play right into the larger problem around false news sources being widely circulated online.
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Wednesday 22 February 2017

All new! B2B Marketing Automation Platforms Marketer’s Guide updated for 2017

Everything you need to know about B2B marketing automation tools.

The latest edition of MarTech Today’s “B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for B2B marketing automation software platforms and the considerations involved in implementing this software into your business.
This 44-page report is your source for the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the market for B2B marketing automation software tools as seen by industry leaders, vendors and their customers.
Included in the report are profiles of 13 leading B2B marketing automation vendors, pricing charts, capabilities comparisons and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.
If you are a B2B marketer looking to adopt a marketing automation software platform, this report will help you through the decision-making process. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download your copy.

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Google to sunset Google Site Search by end of 2017

Google is telling their Site Search customers they have to find a new internal search engine service.

Google has confirmed with Search Engine Land that they are discontinuing support for Google Site Search product. Google Site Search is a paid product that lets you power your internal web site’s search engine based on the Google search technology. Google charges based on monthly query volume for the product.
Google said they are directing those consumers to either the ad-powered product named free custom search engine or the new cloud search product.
Google will stop fully supporting the Google Site Search product by the fourth-quarter of 2017.
A Google spokesperson sent us the following statement:
We are winding down the Google Site Search product over the next year, but will provide customer and technical support through the duration of license agreements. For GSS users whose contract expires between April 1st and June 30th, 2017, we are providing a free 3-month extension with additional query volume to allow more time for them to implement the necessary changes to their site. GSS customers may also take advantage of our Custom Search Engine solution, an ads-supported model that offers similar functionality. We continue to build out new functionality and invest in new technology that make enterprise search a great experience for our customers. Just recently, we introduced the general availability of Google Cloud Search for G Suite customers.
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Tuesday 21 February 2017

Keeping an eye (or three) on your AdWords competitors

Columnist Daniel Gilbert of Brainlabs unleashes another AdWords script -- this time helping you keep track of what your competitors are up to.

We all love to know what our competitors are up to. We shouldn’t care that much — we should probably just get on with being the best. But we just can’t help ourselves.
The best (and only empirical) source of competitor data is the AdWords Auctions Insights report. The only problem with this report is that it’s not easy to see changes over time, you can’t do any filtering, and you can’t add in any of your own performance data to see how competitor changes affected anything. And it can’t be pulled automatically, even after it’s been available for four years.
Anyway, a while back we shared how we visualize the Auctions Insights report at Brainlabs HQ to solve all of these problems. Now we’re back with a souped-up version 2.0 of our script. As well as CPC (cost per click), you can now see how CTR (click-through rate), impressions or searches vary alongside the auction data, and you can pick out which competitors to show. You can also see the same reports for different devices or compare your performance in one stat between devices. This should be handy, now that separate desktop and tablet modifiers are here!
You may be wondering why we’re giving away all this PPC gold. Well, it’s like this:
  1. I’m a legend.
  2. This stuff is too good to keep to ourselves.
  3. It’s cool, but still quite lightweight compared to the Enterprise version in the Brainlabs Tech Stack.
So, here’s what the output will look like. Read on below for a how-to.
To make things easier for you, we have a template spreadsheet with the required sheets and the script already set up. The first step is to open the template, go to the File menu and click “Make a copy…” so you have your own version to fill with your own data.
Then, go to your AdWords account, select the campaigns you want to look at, and download the Auction Insights report, segmented by day, week or month. Copy it to the spreadsheet in the Auction Insights tab. Include the title in the top row — the headers should be on the second row of the spreadsheet.
(If you’re having problems with numbers or dates being wrong — like if Sheets is reading the day as the month, or not recognizing numbers with decimal places — you may need to change the locale of the spreadsheet. To do this, go to File, click “Spreadsheet settings…” and select your country from the Locale drop-down. If you’re using Excel, also make sure the columns are wide enough to show the data when you copy them, otherwise you may find all your dates turned into #####.)
Do the same with the Auction Insights report segmented by the same time period, but also segmented by device. Copy and paste that into the Auction Insights By Device sheet (again, make sure the headers are on the second row).
Lastly, if you want CTR, CPC, impressions or searches, then download a performance report for the same set of campaigns for the same date range, segmented by the same time period and (if you’re looking at device data) by device. You could go to the Dimensions tab and into the Time reports, then download them segmented by device. Or, if you’re only looking at some campaigns, you can go to the campaign view, filter it to only include the campaigns you’re after, and then download it segmented by time period and device. Just make sure there are clicks, impressions and cost columns — CTR, CPC and searches will be calculated from these. Copy this into the Performance Data sheet.
(If there are lots of campaigns, you may hit the limit of the number of cells in a Google Sheet. If that happens, then you can add up all the campaigns’ data for each day and device combination, and copy that into the Sheet — just keep the column headers the same and have them on row 2.)
Then, go to the Settings sheet. The cells I’ve highlighted in yellow in the screen shot below are filled in automatically. This includes the competitor names (listed in order of highest impression share), the device names and the column headings (both in the Reports to Make table).
In the Names From Reports section at the top, make sure that Date matches the name of the date column in your reports (which should be “Day,” “Week” or “Month” if the report is in English). Display URL Domain is the name of the column containing competitor names: “Display URL Domain” for Search campaigns or “Shop Display Name” for Shopping campaigns.
You shouldn’t need to change anything else if your reports are in English, but if you’re using a different language, you’ll need to update them: most are column names, and “You” is what the Auction Insights report shows as the domain/display name when it gives your performance.
Formatting is used to format the data. Feel free to replace the date format (e.g., with dd-MM-yyyy or MM/dd/yyyy) and the currency symbol (note the script won’t do any currency conversion for you!).
The Stats To Report section lets you pick which extra columns go in the data tables and which go into charts. Put “Yes” in the relevant cell to include a stat. Some things to note:
  • You can only add, at most, two stats to the chart. If you select more, then only the first two are included.
  • Note that if you want something in the chart, it has to be in the table (because that’s where the chart gets its data from).
  • If you haven’t copied anything into the Performance Data sheet, you can just leave all of these blank.
  • “Searches” is (approximately) the total number of available impressions. It is calculated as impressions divided by impression share; as the impression share is rounded, it is not a precise figure, especially if your impression share is low.
The Competitors To Include section should have a list of competitor display domains, drawn from the Auction Insights sheet. Put “Yes” by their names to include them in your reports, or leave the space next to them empty to ignore them.
  • All selected competitors will be in the data tables.
  • To prevent the charts from being too crowded, only the first six selected competitors are included.
The Reports To Make section lets you pick which reports are generated. The top row is filled out automatically with the column headers from the Auction Insights sheet (because the columns will be different if you’re looking at Shopping rather than Search campaigns, or if your report is in another language).
  • The Total row gives you a report of your and your selected competitors’ performance (alongside your selected stats) for all devices. This uses data from the “Auction Insights” sheet.
  • There are then three rows for devices, using the names from the “Auction Insights By Device” sheet. Putting a “Yes” for these rows gives you a report of your and your selected competitors’ performance (alongside your selected stats) for the named device.
  • The last row is Compare All Devices, which gives you your total average performance and performance segmented by device. This report does not include competitor data.
  • You can’t make a Compare All Devices report for columns like “Position above rate,” as they don’t have any data on your performance.
When you’re all ready, hit the “Click Here To Generate Reports” button! You’ll need to give authorization the first time you do this so the script can run. Your reports should all be generated, one report per sheet. If there are any issues, there should be a message box to say what the problem is.
You can also delete all reports with the “Delete Reports” button. Note that if you’ve run the report before, it will delete and remake any of the reports you’ve selected — so make sure you save the output somewhere!

As always, feel free to send me questions/praise/insults on LinkedIn. Unfortunately, I can’t fix this for you if it’s broken — but I promise it works, and it’s amazing!

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

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Growing your agency with retainer-based relationships

How agencies can use marketing automation to create profitable growth

Uncover some of the secrets behind building successful, ongoing relationships with clients — including leveraging marketing automation.
In this white paper from Sharp Spring, you will:
  • hear about the many benefits of retainer-based business.
  • get tips on how to approach client relationships.
  • learn how to identify which clients are a good fit for your agency.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “Using Marketing Automation and Sales Strategy as a Foundation for Profitable Growth.”
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Sunday 19 February 2017

Google temporarily disables ‘not mobile-friendly’ label in search results due to bug

Google is fixing the issue and will restore the label after the problem is resolved.

Google has confirmed that they have temporarily disabled the ‘not mobile-friendly’ label in the mobile search results due to a bug. John Mueller of Google said that Google has turned “the label off for now” but it “should be ok soon.”
This is in response to Google mislabeling pages as not mobile-friendly over the past 24- hours in the mobile search results. Even AMP pages were labeled as not being mobile-friendly. John Mueller said that “this is a bug on our side” and Google is working on fixing it.
Here is a screen shot of Google labeling an AMP page as not mobile-friendly:
Here is a screen shot of an AT&T page being marked as not mobile friendly:
But the Google mobile friendly testing tool showed it at the same time as being mobile friendly:
So this is clearly a bug, Google said it is an issue on their end, and for now, they have turned off the label from displaying in the search results until Google fixes the issue.
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Friday 17 February 2017

Google brings back emojis in the search results snippets for relevant queries

Google has brought back displaying emojis in the search results when the query thinks it is relevant.

Google has confirmed with Search Engine Land that they have brought the ability for emojis to be displayed in the search results listing page.
In June 2015, Google removed emojis from showing up in the results after promising to disable them over webmaster abuse.
Well, I guess Google had a change of heart and wants them to show up for queries related to emojis.
A Google spokesperson told us they added it back when emojis are relevant. “We have added a feature to our snippets to feature emojis where relevant, useful and fun,” Google told us. “You’ll see them crop up across various snippets moving forward,” Google said.
So if you search in Google for emojis, Google will show emojis. For example, my query for [google display emojis] has search results that display emojis in the listings:

But if I search for [google panda], our [panda page] is listed, but even though the title tag has a panda emoji, it doesn’t show in the search results listings.

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